It has been Confirmed that Michael Jackson Died today after a Heart Attack.
"Pop star Michael Jackson was pronounced dead by doctors this afternoon after arriving at a hospital in a deep coma, city and law enforcement sources told The Times," the newspaper reported on its website.
The paper's report followed news of Jackson's death first reported by the TMZ entertainment website.
Jackson had been due to start a series of concerts in London on July 13 running until March 2010. The singer had been rehearsing in the Los Angeles area for the past two months.
The shows for the 50 London concerts sold out within minutes of going on sale in March.
His lifetime record sales tally is believed to be around 750 million, which, added to the 13 Grammy Awards he received, makes him one of the most successful entertainers of all time.
Rest in Peace ;; He truly was the King of Pop.
Rest in Peace to the King
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 6:40 PM 0 comments
Amerie - Why R U
Her Latest Single off her Upcoming Album. I really Like this song. Maybe Cuz It hits the spot with what Im going through right now. The video is Hot tho. Except for those cheap effects, like the heat view. that was pretty cheesy, and uneeded. but the song is still good I think. Cant Wait for her album to drop.
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 4:39 PM 0 comments
Rihanna Vs Chirs Brown Case
Chris Brown pleaded guilty to the charges against him in turn for his plea bargain in which he will not be doing any jail time. Instead, he will 180 days of community service in Virginia (8 hours a day/1440 hours total), be on 5 years of supervised probation to the felony assault, and he must enroll in domestic violence counseling program. Along with this, he must return to court every 3 months. He also has a stay away order against him, in which he must remain 50 yards away from Rihanna (but 10 yards away if they attend the same events). The stay away order is in effect for the next 5 years. Rihanna also has a protective order in her favor as well. Both parties have been warned & advised to NOT contact one another at all, & if one does, Chris Brown will be breaking probation & be sentenced to a minimum 4 years of jail time. However, Rihanna did feel that the "stay away" order wasn't necessary, and will try to have that reduced at the August hearing.
All in all, Chris Brown is now a convicted felon, and the judge made an effort to emphasize that Chris Brown was to be "treated as any other person who comes through this court."
Via: LeakJones
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 4:30 PM 0 comments
I'll do anything...
Mmmm. No. Sorry 50 But this song, Jus sucks. your a rapper, not a singer. So Idk What your tryna do in this song. It just bores me. And what Is with this whole everyone hoppin on Gucci Thing Now? Gucci has been around for a longggg time. Now all the rappers wanna step up and get some. want to be head to toe in a gucci outfit. Soulja boy, Busta Rhymes, 50 Cent? sorry. No. Its not cute. I dont care how much money it means you have to wear gucci, Its really getting played out.
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 4:25 PM 0 comments
Day 26 - Girlfriend
This song is So cute ;; And the Boys look extra Yummy. LLs.
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 4:17 PM 0 comments
Taylor Swift Raps
This is Hilarious. Oh man, I dont think it was meant to be taken seriously, so no need for negative feedback. Its a joke.
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 7:43 PM 0 comments
Te Amo Rihanna
I love Rihanna, She Is amazing. She always did her own thing, she follows herself and doesnt give a fuck what anyone thinks. And she is extremely Vocally Talented. A true Inspiration. with her latest song “Te Amo” in which another woman falls in love with her Rihanna might be stirring up a controversy or might be looking at a hit. It is brave of Rihanna to mingle with lesbianism on her tracks & I truly Admire her for having the guts to do what she wants.
Te Amo - Rihanna
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 3:31 PM 0 comments
R.I.P. Tupac
bring it back a lil bit lls
From the Mind of : Ay_Sulayy It Is 2:16 PM 0 comments
Summer Wit Music
Jojo - Houstalantavegas
What really happend to Jojo? she Like.. Fell off the Map! But she is so talented, its truly sad that lately all she has been doing is Covers to other peoples songs. Well. Either Way, her voice is amazing.
Let my Summer Beginnnn!
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 1:13 PM 0 comments
Yeah so Im a little familiar with the clothing industry thanks to my brother Fonzarelly look his blog up too but yeah anyways thanks to him he taught me a little about the company he worked for which is Shmack Clothing. ayeeee Shmack is where its at.
Somethin Slight.
From the Mind of : Bam Bam It Is 12:25 PM 0 comments
Shake Your Plats???
Southeast Slim "Shake Ya Plaits" from ACPMEDIA.TV on Vimeo.
Southeast Slim Ft Wale
I mean this joint iight but it seems like its missing somethin... Hmmmm Maybe its just me.
Wale Made the song better as well as the beat your feet kings.
Enjoi. -Bam
From the Mind of : Bam Bam It Is 12:07 PM 0 comments
Rumor has it, they the new couple. Just because they were spotted together the other night at the black eyed peas event. according to sources the two left at the same time, but seperate cars. the two also went to london for a week together recently. Blah blah blah.. I dont care. I honestly think this is just a publicity stunt. But hey, if they are together. thats a BADD relationship. like another kanye & amber rose.
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 5:55 PM 0 comments
Spaceship : Kanye West
Bam Bam & Sulayyy. Yall Slippin. Music supposed to be yall job for this site.
Lol, Anyways. Old Song, New Video. Wait til Mtv Jams Kills it by overplaying it and everyone and there mother suckin his dick... lls. Still love Kanye tho.
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 3:14 PM 0 comments
Many people are saying UGG's are out of style. Fuck that shit, I still wear my uggs. Im with angela simmons, i'll where them any time of year. I dont care how hot it is, they are comfortable, and somewhow.. can go with anything. I must admit the pink leggins are a little much, but hey. thats her style. "break the rules" right?
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 3:07 PM 0 comments
Photography & Fashion are my Two Loves. I used to want to be a fashion designer, and then when I hit highschool & took photography, I decided I want to be a fashion photographer. My father is a photographer, he lives somewhere in Asia I think, taking pics for people. I guess its in my blood. Well, if it isnt. It's deffinitely in Brooke Nipars blood. Im in LOVE with her pictures. they are amazing. Here are some of my favorties. Enjoy.
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 2:49 PM 0 comments
Sooo, I saw this on a couple of other blogs I read. And I had to Post it. Fafi and KWEENZ DESTROY have come out with a Line. Heres a preview of one of there tee's. It also comes in Pink & Yellow. They will be available at the KWEENZ DESTROY sometime soon.
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 2:20 PM 0 comments
DIY Queen

Please Excuse my Boobage.
I just wanted to show our followers something I was proud of. On the left is a wrap around skirt that I bought at the thrift store for 1$. On the left, is a tunic/dress I made out of the skirt in 2 hours. No sewing. Just one safety pin and a Le Sac Dress Rope from American Apparel. Im very into the DIY thing. Im kinda like, the Queen of it... Speaking of Queens... Remy Ma released a New Single. Click the link to download/listen.
I am The Queen - Remy Ma
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 6:31 PM 0 comments
Limited Edition Nylon X Nike Shoes. Only at , They aight. I wish they released Purple or some other colors. There were some pink ones too, but they are already sold out. If your pressed to get them, rush over to the website and drop a $100 quick, they selling out fast!
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 5:34 PM 0 comments
New Music By Sulayy

From the Mind of : Ay_Sulayy It Is 2:09 AM 0 comments
Trey GimmieYo Songz
Click To Download.
She Aint My Girl
Ego Cover
From the Mind of : Sweetz It Is 11:57 PM 0 comments