
Ego of the Week Exclusive.

Each week we will have an "ego of the week". we will be interviewing aspiring music artist..Models.. journalist and maybe all three in one. This is our first ego of the week and i believe i chose the right one to start us off. She goes by the name "Monroe PoshVintage". She gave me a few minutes of her time and YES it was worth it shes very dedicated in everything she is doing and thats what its all about.. You should definitely be on the lookout for her and her new blog but ill let her tell you the rest...

Whats is your name and how old are you??

-My name is Jasmine Monroe Stewart otherwise known as “Monroe PoshVintage”and I'm 17 years of age.

What is the best thing about your style what makes it different from the rest???

-I believe that the best thing about my style is that I’m not afraid of being that girl in the crowd who is different and stands out for individuality because at the end of the day I still made an impression. I also believe in Do It Yourself projects, I believe it’s one of the best ways to stand out because it’s YOUR creation and often doesn’t become a trend.

Do you have anything you told yourself you must accomplish in the coming year??

-Before the end of this year I hope to get promoted in my job, working for the celebrity wardrobe stylist Mr. Bradshaw to me is very beneficial for the future ahead of me. I also plan on working on my collection of platform heels of all sorts.

If you could change one thing about your style what would it be??

-If I could change one thing about my style it would be to get more in depth with the designer influences I have come across.

What/who inspires your style in clothing???

My influences come from the people I surround myself with, celebrities, magazines, blogs, lookbooks, fashion shows and even by being a student at The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angelos. Being a student here allows you to access the FIDM library where they have trend forecasts for a year to two and a half years from present day.

What keeps you motivated//Keeps You drivin toward you Dream??

-Back home I have an extremely supportive family and friend base, they have been there for me since day one and without them I couldn’t have made it as far as I have come now. My mom has always been my number one and my miracle. She’s gone through a lot and if it wasn’t for her there would be no way I would be the person I am today and achieve the goals I have set forth. She is my motivation to be the best I am capable of being. What also keeps me driven is my passion for this industry even though its fierce and fast pace here is where I want to be and this is I love to do.

What should people be lookin out for from Monroe PoshVintage??

-People should expect me to be styling on a professional level whether its models, up and coming artists, performers for photo shoots, runway, editorials, and award shows. There is much more to come from me other than styling but I hope the world can appreciate the views and opinions on clothes and fashions that I see. Also look out for my blog unscriptedposhvintage.blogspot.com (up by October 24th)

Do you feel you could change the world..if so how?

-I feel that with the right mindset and dedication anyone could change the world. Just little by little anybody can do anything. One person can’t do everything, but everyone can do something.

Do you have any shout outs??

-I wana shout out my mom Rhonda Stewart, my dad “Rocky”, My Twin-An Dukes, bestfriends Deanna, Courtney and Queen Family, Christine, MooMoo, Amanda, Boogie Hannah, Julissa, my family, and Lorenzo <(L)> ..muah. I also want to shout out YO POSH- Young Original People Of Stylistic Hype and of course the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Thanks Guys, Love Yu -Monroe

Thank You for your time Monroe


Who Gon run This Town Tonight?


Bianca Vest Bag

Yay or Nay ?

Latest Trend ... Michael Jackson

So, I havent done a Fashion Update in a Minute. And Recently, Ive noticed alot of this. I predict this is going to be the next big trend, atleast for females that is hip. Seeing that winter is coming, and winter you wear alot of jackets. I think many people will now be rocking the Michael Jackson Style, with the shoulder pads, sharp edges, leather, lots of black, sparkle, etc. Ive always admired michael jacksons style, and actually have a few jackets that have shoulder pads in them and I always was going to just take them out but never got around to it. Lucky me, because it seems this trend is about to begin, such celebrites like Rihanna have already Been inspired.

Christophe Decarnin's Balmain line has recently also been influenced by Michael Jackson. Here are a few examples from Autumn/Winter of this year.

And Somone Local who already is spreading the trend around the DMV! My friend Darius! I love him & his Original Stlye. It Killssss.


I think I love Her Even More Now...

Amber Rose was on the latest issue of Complex for the "women are complex too" spread.
I think I love amber so much, because she is so real. she speaks her mind, keeps it a hunnit and doesnt give a fuck what anyone has to say. i admire that greatly.

In the interview, she talks candidly about her sexuality, her relationship with Kanye and her thoughts on marriage:

On meeting Kanye
I was always a huge fan of him, like who isn’t? But he had a fiancée, it wasn’t like, “Ah, I’m gonna get with Kanye!” When I met him, it was strictly business. He wanted me for his “Robocop” video and he had the utmost respect for me, and we hung out on a friendship/business type of deal. You know, just as normal human beings when you hang out with somebody, you start to like them. Kanye knew my life, so when the blogs came out like, “Oh, Kanye do you know she was a stripper, that she used to date girls?” Kanye was like, “Tell me something I don’t know.” Everybody has a life and a past.

On her relationship being a publicity stunt
Well, my intentions when I met Kanye was to do his video, keep it very professional and we really started to like each other. It just so happened that he started liking me and I started liking him. It’s not a publicity stunt, it’s just human beings, man. I love Kanye as a person, he’s a great person, he’s super-talented. I love him for a lot of different reasons.

On Being Bi-sexual

Yeah, they label me a bisexual freak stripper that f*cks Kanye on a daily basis. [Laughs.] You know: “Amber Rose, the f*cking bisexual, dyke, freak, whatever the f*ck.” To answer that: I’m extremely open with my sexuality. I can be in love with a woman, I can be in love with a man. I’m not into bestiality [laughs] but as far as humans go, I definitely find beauty in everybody, whether they’re heavy-set, super-skinny, if they’re white, black, Indian, Asian, Spanish. I can see beauty in anybody. I’m not into threesomes or orgies and shit like that. If I see a women and I think she’s beautiful and I like her, and she likes me back we can definitely try to be in a relationship together.

On her come up

Obviously, Kanye is a super-duper megastar so he definitely gave me the fast track to the top, and I love him and appreciate him so much for that.

On Being On The Blogs

This is my life, this is how my life’s been since I was a kid. I’ve always been popular, my name has always been in somebody’s mouth in high school. I don’t lose no sleep over this sh*t.

On The Perception that women who dress provocatively are wild in bed

If a girl wears a short skirt or dress, men automatically think, “She wants it, and she’s probably an animal in bed.” I just want to feel sexy today, I don’t want you. Men crack me up with that sh*t. Those rich college girls are the main ones who get it in and have orgy parties on tape. Then there’s me—who stripped for seven years—who’s a total prude. I have a raunchy mouth, but I’m so not into that stuff.

On Marriage

As of right now, I don’t believe in marriage. I was raised by a single mother, so I don’t feel I need to be married to be happy and live my life.

Here is a Video of the Shoot

She is amazing!


The Warning

Okay so supposedly Eminem claims that he and Mariah Carey were once in a relationship. Unfortunately Mariah denies the whole thing saying there was never and never will be a "Thing" between Her and Eminem.
So Mariah Takes it to a whole nother level by making a diss song toward which she claims was not referenced to Em called "obsessed"..Im not buying it and I dont think Eminem bought it neither. Mariah shouldve known better than to diss a guy who doesnt mind dissing you back i mean its eminem majority of his songs you will her him use another celebrity's name in it. Mariah Pretty much set herself up for disaster and now has to deal with Eminem's new song called "The Warning".
Oh and also.. Eminem says if she speaks back he will post their pics online. HE iS noT Rockin At All. LOL -Bam


I love her...


Ay Look at dis nigga's dog! Jeremih funny as shit lmao

I thought dis was gonna be a serious ass video too hahaha


Nicki Minaj Performs in Bmore

Big Boi Meets...

a Penguin! Why is it everyone talks to animals in baby voices??


On the L.O

Bow Wow Just twitted these two pics just Minutes ago... Who is this female? Whoever it is, these pics just made bow wow the man. But I dont think its his next gf, probably just one of the groupies, hoes, that come with success and jus wanted to use there pussy as power. I mean, this is an easy way to get famous.. to be the girl naked in bow wows twit pics.. Congrats! But the girl still remains on the Hush Hush

he Just Twitted this one too, along with this..
"3 girls. 1 hand each... im suaved up! fresh out da tub. threw on johnson johnson baby powder... now wat it do tweoples"

Bow Wow... is NOW officially THE MAN.


Run This town

Well..im not a big fan of jay-z but i only like this song because rihanna still doin her Thing i guess and Mr.west kills it.

Gettin Face!? Lawd..

Sweeetz >>> Now i see what you Mean. BADD.

She's Real.. Wont hold anything back I fux widd It.
and most of all SHE CONFIDENT.

Wanna-Be a thug Huh?

I suggest you dont come at skaters because they're not rockin. Lmao


Solange Goes Bald

Beyonce's Solange Knowles does a Britney... as she shaves off her locks.The long-suffering sister of singer Beyonce has long resented the comparisons to the famous diva. She once playfully said she would 'go crazy like Britney' if people kept comparing her to her sister. And it seems she might finally have flipped as she hit the streets of Los Angeles in a new shorn hairstyle yesterday. Solange wrote on her Twitter page that she was going through a 'i wanna cut all my Hair off & have a fade (cropped haircut) phase'. Well She Did It, And I loveeee it! It deffinitely sets her aside from Beyonce and lets everyone know shes not like her sister at all, shes completely different.


Switch it Up Cuts.

Ciara cut all her hair off...
and i dont like it.
I think she is trying to be something shes not, and her face is too strong for a short cut.

along with that.. Dawns recently twitted pics of her boyfriend from day 26 Que, he seems to have dyed half of his fade blonde. i actually like this, its different. props to him for thinking outside the box.

Tabi Bonney - Jet Setter

song kinda sucksss. but the video is nice

I poke Her face...


Dont Forget The King Of Tha South...


I wouldnt Stop it if I could

Break it Down - Bow Wow

Bow Wow's Latest Single, I cant wait to see the video. I actually Like this song. its something different from bow. Click here to Listen / Download


Sweet Dreams - Beyonce

Beyonce Just Released this New Video, I dont really like it. Im used to the whole new sasha fierce mentality. and I think the story for this video could have been much more intense. allthough i do like the gold metal suit. Thats hot, But either way. If beyonce likes it. Then Thats her. What yall think?


Diddys All White Party

So I tried to Post this a few days ago, But the pictures werent working.
Well At Diddys all white Party the very Pregnant Lauren London Showed off her Baby Bump which confirmed the rumors. I hear she is about seven months pregnant (by Lil Wayne) and now im just waiting on Nivea (who is also rumored to be pregnant by Wayne).

Amber Rose also showed up with Chris Brown, Rumor is they have been together alot lately? hmmmm ? Also she is back to the blonde. I guess the blue was a one night thing? or maybe kanye didnt like it and was about to give her the Boot! lol. Either way & any haircolor, she is BADD!

Speaking of Haircolors. What is Up with Chris Brown's Red Lightning bolt and Teyana Taylors Red Whatever the fuck that is underneath her hair. I cnt tell what kind of design it is. But maybe they are trying to start a new trend. We will see.

Dawn Steps Up

Dawn Richards, Formally from Danity Kane Has Deffinitely Stepped her game up for the cover of Honey Mag. Back in the group she used to have long weave, Now shes rocking a Short cut and her style is deffinitely Stepped up as well. When I first saw her short cut on her twitpics I thought, Oh now. Tryna be a New Rihanna now that shes not so much in the public eye? but after looking at these pics, I see she has her own style. And she is Very talented as well. Good Job Dawn!


MJ's Halo

Amber Rose Feelin Blue

I freakin lovee this bitch. I swear, she does whatever the fuck she wants. Thats something i will always admire in anyone. Doing your own thang, is always the best thang. I dont think anyone can pull this off like she can. Its not even cute, its just her confidence that makes it amazinggg


Shoes to Small? Try This

Supernova - Ft Kanye

So, Idk who Mr.Hudson is. But This video is to prove that Kanye West is TRULY talented. he can rap on any type of music and it still be amazing, I reallyyyy fuck with this song. And Kanye just introduced me to a new artist. Check it out.


Better on the Other Side

This Is beautiful;; This is an amazing Tribute that They did for Michael.
The Game Feat. Chris Brown, Diddy, Boys 2 Men, Polow Da Don & Mario Winans - Better On The Other Side

Rick Ross - Pushing Keys

Beautiful - Eminem

Eminems New album has impressed me alot, Its like a new eminem. I think his comeback isnt as big as I expected , but his music has always been REAL. he doesnt rap about fucking girls, and big bitches shaking they ass, or about what hes wearing, or how he wakes up and turns his swag on, his music has always been about real life situations, and thats why I respect him. He turns his struggles, into music that others can relate too. I deffinitely relate to this song, so it deserves to be on this blog =]

SouljaBoy Melt Down

Okay so on twitter, someone I know Named Dro Started this whole "unfollow souljaboy movement" he wrote like every person he got on twitter tellin them to unfollow souljaboy because souljaboy doesnt care about his followers. he even made a youtube video about it. He was serious lol. Well, I guess he got to souljaboy eventually.
because he had a meltdown. here is some of what he said before he took it off.

Thinkin about taking all my money and leaving. F*ck having a Million followers f*ck putting out music.. why?

My music dream was THE SH*T 2 years ago before I was signed. It was everything I could ever imagine. Then I get signed. this is where my dream slowly died.. these c*****z wanna criticize a ni**a. Take REAL SH*T and turn it to trash. Water down my music and my appearance and make me look like something I’m not. THESE C******S DONT KNOW WHO THE F**K I REALLY AM!!! I go to the studio make new music for my fans to enjoy and party to. They take my sh*t hate on me. Make me look ignorant in the media. It’s all bullsh*t. Like WHY do I have to put up with this? because it’s my dream? that sh*t died when crank that went #1

I know what you thinking. But SOULJA BOY its the American dream your rich I would kill to be in your shoes. thats what you THINK its all BS! They say soulja boy u changed. soulja boy u hollywood I ain’t ask for this SH*T!!!!!! I want it to go back to how it was before i was signed I might be soundin crazy now.. I don’t really know about alot of things these days. But I just want EveryBODY to know this sh*t. Just KNOW that i’m only 18 man… And it’s only so much I can do. It’s only so much I can take. If your really fans and love and support me. You would hear me out and help ya boy get thru this sh*t.. I know everybody is gonna have opinions on the things that i’m saying right now.. but there it is. I’m not perfect.

Words of encouragement from his friends

Teyana Taylor: Really upset that my @souljaboytellem is down Everythings gonna be ok tho. He just has alot on his mind. I texted a nice long text! When. He reads it. He will really sit back, think and see that he can’t please the world..I feel what he’s going thru people feel like cause u a celeb u have no heart or feelings it’s unfair! It’s hard and u can’t blame him for feeling some kind of way. He will def be in my prayers. He don’t owe anybody anything.

Claudia Jordan: @souljaboytellem don’t you know NO ONE hates on losers…& say what u want-but you are YOUNG & you R winning. NO 1 hates on failures-know it

Sammie: Prayers go out to Soulja, tho evidently he’s facing a storm! God got it

I feel sorta sorry for soulja boy. he is only 18. He went through alot to get to where he is, Why knock his hustle?

Best I ever Had - Drake

Drake "Best I Ever Had" from kwest on Vimeo.


Rest in Peace to the King

It has been Confirmed that Michael Jackson Died today after a Heart Attack.

"Pop star Michael Jackson was pronounced dead by doctors this afternoon after arriving at a hospital in a deep coma, city and law enforcement sources told The Times," the newspaper reported on its website.

The paper's report followed news of Jackson's death first reported by the TMZ entertainment website.

Jackson had been due to start a series of concerts in London on July 13 running until March 2010. The singer had been rehearsing in the Los Angeles area for the past two months.

The shows for the 50 London concerts sold out within minutes of going on sale in March.

His lifetime record sales tally is believed to be around 750 million, which, added to the 13 Grammy Awards he received, makes him one of the most successful entertainers of all time.

Rest in Peace ;; He truly was the King of Pop.

Amerie - Why R U

Her Latest Single off her Upcoming Album. I really Like this song. Maybe Cuz It hits the spot with what Im going through right now. The video is Hot tho. Except for those cheap effects, like the heat view. that was pretty cheesy, and uneeded. but the song is still good I think. Cant Wait for her album to drop.

Find more videos like this on The Celebrity Network

Rihanna Vs Chirs Brown Case

Chris Brown pleaded guilty to the charges against him in turn for his plea bargain in which he will not be doing any jail time. Instead, he will 180 days of community service in Virginia (8 hours a day/1440 hours total), be on 5 years of supervised probation to the felony assault, and he must enroll in domestic violence counseling program. Along with this, he must return to court every 3 months. He also has a stay away order against him, in which he must remain 50 yards away from Rihanna (but 10 yards away if they attend the same events). The stay away order is in effect for the next 5 years. Rihanna also has a protective order in her favor as well. Both parties have been warned & advised to NOT contact one another at all, & if one does, Chris Brown will be breaking probation & be sentenced to a minimum 4 years of jail time. However, Rihanna did feel that the "stay away" order wasn't necessary, and will try to have that reduced at the August hearing.

All in all, Chris Brown is now a convicted felon, and the judge made an effort to emphasize that Chris Brown was to be "treated as any other person who comes through this court."

Via: LeakJones

I'll do anything...

Mmmm. No. Sorry 50 But this song, Jus sucks. your a rapper, not a singer. So Idk What your tryna do in this song. It just bores me. And what Is with this whole everyone hoppin on Gucci Thing Now? Gucci has been around for a longggg time. Now all the rappers wanna step up and get some. want to be head to toe in a gucci outfit. Soulja boy, Busta Rhymes, 50 Cent? sorry. No. Its not cute. I dont care how much money it means you have to wear gucci, Its really getting played out.

5 Things You Didnt Know About Kid Cudi

Day 26 - Girlfriend

This song is So cute ;; And the Boys look extra Yummy. LLs.


Taylor Swift Raps

This is Hilarious. Oh man, I dont think it was meant to be taken seriously, so no need for negative feedback. Its a joke.


Te Amo Rihanna

I love Rihanna, She Is amazing. She always did her own thing, she follows herself and doesnt give a fuck what anyone thinks. And she is extremely Vocally Talented. A true Inspiration. with her latest song “Te Amo” in which another woman falls in love with her Rihanna might be stirring up a controversy or might be looking at a hit. It is brave of Rihanna to mingle with lesbianism on her tracks & I truly Admire her for having the guts to do what she wants.

Te Amo - Rihanna




Quiet Storm - Rick Ross

R.I.P. Tupac

Well since it was Tupac's birthday yesterday....i thought i should do a lil tribute you know...
bring it back a lil bit lls


Stroke my Big Ego

Summer Wit Music

Jojo - Houstalantavegas
What really happend to Jojo? she Like.. Fell off the Map! But she is so talented, its truly sad that lately all she has been doing is Covers to other peoples songs. Well. Either Way, her voice is amazing.

Let my Summer Beginnnn!



Yeah so Im a little familiar with the clothing industry thanks to my brother Fonzarelly look his blog up too thebrothersbrooksllc.blogspot.com/ but yeah anyways thanks to him he taught me a little about the company he worked for which is Shmack Clothing. ayeeee Shmack is where its at.

Somethin Slight.

Shake Your Plats???

Southeast Slim "Shake Ya Plaits" from ACPMEDIA.TV on Vimeo.

Southeast Slim Ft Wale

I mean this joint iight but it seems like its missing somethin... Hmmmm Maybe its just me.
Wale Made the song better as well as the beat your feet kings.

Enjoi. -Bam



Rumor has it, they the new couple. Just because they were spotted together the other night at the black eyed peas event. according to sources the two left at the same time, but seperate cars. the two also went to london for a week together recently. Blah blah blah.. I dont care. I honestly think this is just a publicity stunt. But hey, if they are together. thats a BADD relationship. like another kanye & amber rose.

Spaceship : Kanye West

Bam Bam & Sulayyy. Yall Slippin. Music supposed to be yall job for this site.
Lol, Anyways. Old Song, New Video. Wait til Mtv Jams Kills it by overplaying it and everyone and there mother suckin his dick... lls. Still love Kanye tho.


Many people are saying UGG's are out of style. Fuck that shit, I still wear my uggs. Im with angela simmons, i'll where them any time of year. I dont care how hot it is, they are comfortable, and somewhow.. can go with anything. I must admit the pink leggins are a little much, but hey. thats her style. "break the rules" right?


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